No Mount BC Dive Rite - Plura Valley

No Mount BC Dive Rite

kr 2.000,00

Availability: 1

Weight 1 kg


The No Mount Tank BC is designed to provide added buoyancy to heavy steel cylinders or other equipment underwater. The BC attaches to the cylinder via a center-mounted 1.5 inch cam strap (included). Each end is held in place with two adjustable 5/16 inch diameter bungee straps. The BC is constructed using a SuperFabric outershell and 420 denier laminated inner bladder with welded flanges.

For no mount use, the bladder should be oriented so that the slide push inflation valve is toward the neck of the cylinder and the exhaust valve is at the lower end of the cylinder. The bladder will want to assume the high point so orientate it in line with the valve openings for easy attachment of the inflator hose (not included).


This BC is designed to be used for extreme cave diving. While it can be used for added buoyancy of heavy steel cylinders, using it for no mount style diving requires no mount specific training and proper safety equipment. If used for no mount diving, the cylinder must be equipped with an H style, dual outlet valve with two regulators attached for safety and redundancy.

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